Food contact materials

What items are tested in UK food contact material safety code UK Si 898:2005?
Date:2019-11-05     Views:    
英国与食品接触材料安全法规|UK SI 898:2005
  常见材料UK SI 898:2005测试内容:
  a) Plastic material 塑料
  Overall migration in deionized water 全面迁移之去离子水浸取法
  Overall migration in 3% acetic acid 全面迁移之3%醋酸浸取法
  Overall migration in 10% ethanol 全面迁移之10%酒精浸取法
  Overall migration in rectified olive oil 全面迁移之橄榄油浸取法
  Full test of overall migration test 全面迁移全套测试
  b) Ceramic and Glass 陶瓷玻璃
  Contact with food part - Leachable lead and cadmium 与食品接触部分铅镉溶出量测试
  c) Silicone Rubber 硅橡胶 - AP (2004)5
  Overall migration in deionized water 全面迁移之去离子水浸取法
  Overall migration in 3% acetic acid 全面迁移之3%醋酸浸取法
  Overall migration in 10% ethanol 全面迁移之10%酒精浸取法
  Overall migration in isooctane as substitute of rectified olive oil全面迁移之橄榄油替代物异辛烷浸取法
  Overall migration in 95% ethanol as substitute of rectified olive oil全面迁移之橄榄油替代物95%酒精浸取法
  Full test of overall migration test 全面迁移全套测试
  d) Melamine 三聚氰氨树脂(美耐皿)制品的要求
  Overall migration in deionized water 全面迁移之去离子水浸取法
  Overall migration in 3% acetic acid 全面迁移之3%醋酸浸取法
  Overall migration in 10% ethanol 全面迁移之10%酒精浸取法
  Overall migration in isooctane as substitute of rectified olive oil全面迁移之橄榄油替代物异辛烷浸取法
Overall migration in 95% ethanol as substitute of rectified olive oil全面迁移之橄榄油替代物95%酒精浸取法
Full test of overall migration test 全面迁移全套测试
  Extractable formaldehyde 甲醛溶出量测试
  e) Organic coating 有机涂层 - AP(2004)1
  Overall migration in deionized water 全面迁移之去离子水浸取法
  Overall migration in 3% acetic acid 全面迁移之3%醋酸浸取法
  Overall migration in 10% ethanol 全面迁移之10%酒精浸取法
  Overall migration in isooctane as substitute of rectified olive oil全面迁移之橄榄油替代物异辛烷浸取法
  Overall migration in 95% ethanol as substitute of rectified olive oil全面迁移之橄榄油替代物95%酒精浸取法
  Full test of overall migration test 全面迁移全套测试
  f) Rubber 橡胶 - AP (2004) 4 & 93/11/EEC
  Overall migration in deionized water 全面迁移之去离子水浸取法
  Overall migration in 3% acetic acid 全面迁移之3%醋酸浸取法
  Overall migration in 10% ethanol 全面迁移之10%酒精浸取法
  Overall migration in isooctane as substitute of rectified olive oil全面迁移之橄榄油替代物异辛烷浸取法
  Overall migration in 95% ethanol as substitute of rectified olive oil全面迁移之橄榄油替代物95%酒精浸取法
  Full test of overall migration test 全面迁移全套测试
  Nitrosamine content 亚硝胺含量 (Need subcontract to HK)
  Migration of aromatic amine 芳香胺迁移
  g) Paper纸张 - AP (2002)1
  Pentachlorophenol (PCP) 五氯苯酚
  Preserving effect 防腐效力
  Extractable Heavy metals (Pb, Cd, Hg, CrVI)* 重金属释出量(铅,镉,汞,六价铬)*
  Fluorescent matter 荧光物质(四种模拟物状态)
  * -not acceptable for the product in contact with dry food
  h) Wood木材
  Pentachlorophenol (PCP) 五氯苯酚
  Extractable Formaldehyde 甲醛释出量
  i) Metal, Metal alloy and electroplated


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