Radio and electromagnetic compatibility test
Electrical and electronic products are more and more widely used in our daily life. Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and radio (RF) are particularly important. Many countries have made mandatory requirements for the regulatory requirements of electromagnetic wave compatibility (EMC) and radio (RF) electronic equipment to prevent unqualified products from entering their market.
All electrical and electronic devices have the ability to interact when connected to each other or when operating at close range. Electromagnetic wave compatibility (EMC) and radio (RF) compatible products can operate normally without interference, interference by other equipment or any harm to the public.
With more than 50 years of rich testing experience, CTC Chinese testing has become the leader of EMC testing industry. CTC Chinese testing is also a local certification body under the jurisdiction of Hong Kong Communications Authority (ofca). Our state-of-the-art radio (RF) and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) labs provide radio products with electromagnetic interference (EMI) testing, electromagnetic immunity (EMS) testing, and radio (RF) testing.
CTC's EMC and RF testing capabilities are widely recognized and meet international standards, which can help manufacturers, retailers and importers to meet regulatory requirements and quickly push products to the international market.
Our experts can also provide professional technical support services for product improvement and modification to meet the strict standards of different countries, and provide on-site RF and EMC tests for larger equipment, including the measurement of office, giant machinery, casino, railway electromagnetic compatibility test and human electromagnetic field (EMF) test.
EMC test
Six FCCC (US National Bureau of statistics c63.4, 47 CFA Part 15, 47 CFA Part 18)
Statement of income and expenditure and changes in reserves and fund balances for the biennium ended 31 December 2008
En12015, en12016, en50121-x-x-x, en50130-4, en550011, en55013-x-x, en50130-4, en550011, en55015, en55020, en55022, en55024, en55032, en55035, en601-1-2, en61000-3-xxxx61000-xxx, en61000-4-xxxxxx610046101-xxx, en61000-xxxx61004616-xxxx, en6100410 page: 1
Radio (RF) test
American RF standard (ANSI c63.10, 47 CFR Part 15)
Australian RF standard (as / NZS 4268)
Canadian RF standard (rss-gen, rss-210, rss-220, rss-222, rss-247, rss-310)
EU RF standards (EN 300086, en 300113, en 300220, en 300296, en 300328, en 300330, en 300390, en 300422, en 300440, en 301166, en 301178, en 301357, en 301559, en 301893, en 302018, en 3020265, en 302195, en 3020208, en 302502, en 302536, EN 302608, en 302609, en 303203, en 303204, en 303406, en 303354)
Hong Kong radio code (HKCA 10xx)
For more information on automobile and auto parts testing, please contact us here.
Test service